Monday, June 12, 2006

Ok so this is Daisy Mae here, this past weekend was great. We took a ride in the car and I got to roll in some great smelling stuff. I thought we were going to just go somewhere so Peanut can bark at cows (rolling my eyes) but we went fishing. Now I have no idea what fishing is, but my two dads just sat by this big waterdish and and kept throwing this string in the water. If you ask me they weren't very good at it because it kept coming back to them. Any way there was this great patch of grass that had something I couldn't quite place(either dead fish or goose poopie) in it. But boy did it smell great, so I rolled in it and had me a good ol time. I don't think my dads were amused, they made me get in the water which was real cold. Then we had a fun game of catch me if you can. Again they were NOT amused. So I had to show you my picture. My dad had no idea when he took this that I wasn't just being all cute. Little did they know.

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