Saturday, July 12, 2008

A little down time.

As you can see we are settling into our new home just fine. Dad took this picture of us napping on the window seat. He's always snapping that camera thingy at us. He said he wanted to post this as one of the times we were actually being good. I guess he didn't see the mess we left in the bathroom. Aroooo!

Lot's of licks,

Bug & Bandit


Duke said...

You certainly look angelic to us! We hope your dad doesn't discover the bathroom for a good long time!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

What a lovely window seat you have to lay on.

River said...

Ain't they sweet?
Lying in the window seat
Now, I ask you very confidentially,
Ain't they sweet?

Yeah, they are!!

love & wags,

Sugar the Beagle said...

Hi Bug and Bandit,

I happen to pop over from Jazz and Dixie's blog.

Nice home you've got~

Sweet Licks,

Simba and Jazzi said...

Looks like you are settling in really well.

Simba x